Saturday, 19 September 2015

Gett your workout on during a busy day

Gett your workout on during a busy day! Yes I put two t's in there!

Face it, we live in a busy time. Everyone is constantly on the go. We all tend to feel that work, the meetings and errands never end. On top of that we have these long lists of "To Do's" that we feel we will never get accomplished. Although, I feel that an early morning workout is always ideal, I can relate to those busy days where that extra five minutes of sleep takes precedence.
With that said, there are many things that can be done throughout the day that can be just as beneficial as a one hour workout in the morning.

Lower Body:

Take the Stairs -Everyone talks about it, few do it. I'm telling you folks, this makes such a big difference, especially when we rely on driving to our destinations. Stairs work your quads, hamstrings calves and flutes!

Walk everywhere -  Walking is crucial for blood circulation and burning those extra calories. A small walk around the home, workplace or to the store help keep you active throughout the day.

Squats and Lunges -  Do them whenever you can.  Jumping jacks and burpees are great too, however if you cannot afford to get a bit sweaty lunges and squats are a great alternative. If you work at a desk, take a breather and do 20 squats.

Lateral Leg lifts -  This can be done at a desk, or can be done when your in between activities (waiting for dinner to cook, brushing your hair or teeth etc.). This will help shape your legs and booty.. and we are all about the booty!

Take standing breaks - Believe it or not standing helps burn calories. Its a slow process but it is one that I enjoy when I have a busy day and can't get a full workout in. Stand when you're answering calls, or stand while your studying. (A friend of mine conducted a  study that showed those with ADHD performed better when they focused on the task while standing versus while they sat).

Wall sits - Take 30 seconds every free moment you get and sit against a wall so your legs are parallel to the floor. I personally hate these but only because I can feel the burn so quickly. 

Upper Body:

Tricep dips -  I think this might be one of my absolute favourites. Anywhere there is a table or a ledge, do at least 20 tricep dips. These can also be done with chairs, and virtually anywhere. I tend to do these at work, when I get a free moment away from the chaos. 

Pushups -   Along with tricep dips, do pushups. You don't always have to be on the ground for these. Its the same workout, but standing up. It is essentially the same workout as the tricep dips, just turned the opposite way.

Sit ups and Planks and Bike crunches -  Do some sit-ups before bed. If you do not have a lot of time, don't fret, just do a hundred ( The number may seem intimidating, but its not a lot, trust me).

Boxing punches -   If you have been following my instagram, snapchat and other social media, you should know how much I love kickboxing. Its a great stress reliever and workout at the same time. Frustrating day? Take a break and just do some squat punches. 


Drink Water - This will make a huge difference on a busy day. Instead of choosing a carbonated sugary drink choose water. Water serves many purposes and is a fundamental aspect to our daily diet. 

Schedule a 20 minute home workout like a business meeting -  20 minutes.  If this is possible I highly suggest it, even just to get the blood flowing a little bit before/after school or work. 20 minutes may seem like a big chunk of your day but when you think about it, if you spend 20 minutes throughout the day watching tv on your down time why not incorporate a workout while you watch? 

Pick a few a day to do when you can.  If you know you have nothing to do on an hour break go for a quick walk around the block. Your body will thank you and you'll notice results.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Traveling on a Budget

This goes without saying, but budget, budget BUDGET!

Find out how much you can spend
 In my last post I talked briefly about budgeting. Realistically, you should always have a budget. By doing so you won't live pay check to pay check. You can plan for emergencies, a night out and of course vacations. I would classify the above as the pre- budget, the kind of budget you must put into action to allow for your travel budget to take place.

Make a List
First things first on your list - is a list
Make a list of where you want to travel to. Put into focus these key aspects.

- What you want to do
- Where you want to stay
- What you are going to eat
- When you want to go
- How much you can afford

All these things are crucial in planning and budgeting your trip. After all when you think about it, you can't go away without planning!

What do you want to do?
While on your trip, there are tons of fun things to do. You can do the typical tourist activities, without doing the typical tourist thing. What does that mean exactly? You don't need a travel guide. Go online, ask around, or look in books. There are many ways to experience what you want to see without seeing a travel guide. I will admit that there is the odd time a travel guide will be your best option, however in most situations that is not the case.
In my experience, a tour guide will give you facts while your a visiting sights. Unless you want to know about every specific detail about where you are visiting - its not worth it. You are very limited when on a tour as well. You don't choose where you go - they do. By visiting on your own or in a group of friends/family. You get to experience all aspects of what Y O U would like to see. The moral of it all is find what you want to see and do and do it with who you want to do it with.

Pack/buy/bring meals/food
Pack fruits and veggies or sandwiches. In my experience food doesn't always last as long when it is fresh. So don't go out of your way to purchase large quantities.
Find grocery stores that have memberships and sign up for those. You will be surprised at the great deals you can find on fresh produce. My personal favourite is Save On. Their fresh sandwiches are on the relatively cheap side, and you also get points when you spend. Those points go toward more savings.

Find cheap flights
Some of my favourite cheap flight websites such are

Flight Network
WestJet ( You get points which go toward your next flight)
Apps that work great for finding cheap flights such as Hopper

Traveling Where You know someone
Travel to places were an old friend, or even new friend lives. Perhaps its time you see that person you haven't seen in a while. In most cases, you will have a place to stay

Find Times to travel that are not peak times
Don't travel at high peak times when everyone else is too. Find times that work best for your budget. You can still do all the things you want to do, just at a different time of year. Hopper is a great app for that as it informs you of when the best times to travel are!

Cheap hotels / b&b / Hostels
Go online and find sites that will help you with finding a hotel at a reasonable cost - and CLEAN! ( Again Priceline and Flight Network are great sites for hotels too)
B&B's and Hostels are my absolute favourite... especially hostels. Great way to meet new people and experience a side of traveling you wouldn't have imagined.

***Disclaimer; I am in no way paid or sponsored by the sites above. These are based on personal experiences that I like to share with those who wish to listen.***

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Make it Work!

Traveling can be difficult. It brings on stresses, unexpected expenses, and at times can be time consuming. You sometimes find yourself asking if it is even worth it. 

It is

When you travel your stresses don't seem as big. I don't mean forget about them move on, if you do that your stress will become bigger. What I am referring to, is traveling is a stress reliever. It allows you to focus on something you usually wouldn't. This world has much to offer in beauty. Don't deprive yourself of what is out there. Here are some tips on how to make it happen.

- Look at your schedule. This is the most important tip. If you have any time free, a day, a week, a month. Whatever allows. Take that time to travel some place you've never been.

- Save Your money. You don't need thousands of dollars to travel. Save what you can afford. Don't go over what your budget allows.

- Budget. Instead of going out to eat while away, buy groceries, bring groceries, do what you can to plan meals before you find yourself spending more than needed.

- You don't need souvenirs. Yes, Souvenirs are fun, exciting, and can serve as a reminder or a memory of the fun you had while away. Instead of purchasing a souvenir MAKE a souvenir. Let your memories, stories, and photos be your memories. You can always take the photos you took and turn it into a unique souvenir ( photo albums, scrap books [ great time to reflect, de-stress, and of course serve as a hobby]).

Stay Tuned For more fun posts to come!

Hello Readers!

It has been a while since my last post. I had taken a much needed vacation and now, I am back and ready to give you new content! I have thought long and hard about where I want my blog to go and the topics I would like to cover, so with that said, I want to add traveling to my blog.

Thats right - traveling!

I am excited to starting writing topics on traveling! If you have been following my instagram or twitter, you will already know how much I love to travel ( even if it is just a short trip for the weekend).

Stay tuned for my next post where I let you know how to travel on a budget, sites to shop at for the best travel prices and places to travel for cheap!


Friday, 26 June 2015

Detox Time!

It has been a while since I've shared a post with my readers. Life has been a bit on the hectic side with lots of exciting experiences and adventures coming. I want to continue to inspire my readers and motivate my readers in all aspects of life. 

A beautiful full circle rainbow around the sun while at the lake

But I will be honest here, the past month or so has been filled with crappy food, little to no exercising and I can thank pneumonia for that. I am only now starting to feel better after a month of struggling to get out of bed, wanting to eat healthy food ( but could only stomach unhealthy food), and enjoy the warmer months! With all that being said, my body is feeling a bit neglected and let down. 

First "meal" since getting sick

Its time to detox!

There are detoxes you can buy, juice cleanses and so on. I am looking towards a lifestyle detox instead. As I stated, the past month I couldn't do much so at this point a lifestyle detox is much needed. I have a very active lifestyle, I workout about 4-5 days a week, sometimes 6 if I can squeeze it into my very busy lifestyle. 

So what am I up to?
- Little to no alcohol
- Little to no refined sugars
- Vegetarian / vegan meals
- Raw foods
- Increase in fruits and vegetables
- Increased workout intensity
- Lots of sleep (when possible)

These things already fit my lifestyle for the most part, if anything its going to be more controlled, with less fries (unless they are zucchini fries... I'll post the recipe after). I will also be jotting down my exercises, and daily food intake to track my progress and help keep me on track! 

Now here is my new workout plan that I intend to use in the short term. 

Day 1: Arms and Abs - Day 2: Legs - Day 3: Off or Cardio - Day 4: Back & Abs - Day 5: Cardio - Day 6: Legs - Day 7: Chest, Shoulders & Abs - Day 8: Off 
For Cardio I am mostly using the elliptical ( it is the one machine I am in love with at the moment), however I like to switch things up, between the elliptical - treadmill - and stationary bike. I am also looking into joining yoga classes, start up kickboxing again, and now that summer is here and the weather is nicer, tennis lessons.

Every morning when I wake up, I'm going to motivate myself to do a quick non strenuous workout as well to boost my energy and get the day started. 

20 Jumping Jacks
10 Crunches
5 Push ups
10 Calf raises
25 Russian twists
10 Squats
20 high knees
10 reverse crunches
30 sec plank (maybe up it to a minute once I've gotten comfortable at 30)
15 sec side plank

If you sit down and just take some time to work on new goals, you will find yourself motivated and ready to kick some butt.

As Summer has started, I am slightly adjusting my diet, trying to make the healthiest choices possible. I am ready to give my metabolism a boost, never skip a workout (even if I can't hit the gym, there are home workouts that can be done!). I can even pull out my rollerblades and check out the scenery! So, really there is no excuse for me to be lazy with all the activities and planning around me.

I hope my readers feel motivated, especially if you are like me and  had a set back due to sickness, never give up and keep going after what you want!

- XO

Sunday, 5 April 2015

The Holiday Dilemma

We've all been there, we've all experienced it. What is it exactly? The Holiday Dilemma of course! Everything is closed, and unfortunately, sometimes you may find you didn't exactly pick up everything you needed the night or week before.

Well thats where I am as I write this. Its Easter and I'm experiencing the Holiday Dilemma. Our family got all of our last minute shopping done yesterday. We got the food, the spices, the treats and necessities needed for our big Easter dinner.

Sounds like we got everything we needed, right? Well.. While finishing up the dishes last night we quickly realized the dish soap was on its last run and the stores were closed.

I'm in the process of finishing a big batch of perogies, Taco Soup, and and fudge brownies ( I'll post recipes later) and there will be a need for soap if I want to have a clean kitchen before the guests arrive. Needless to say, I have been scrambling to find recipes, tips, solutions or anything to help with my situation.

While looking online I found a few solutions that I am eager to try.

  • Baking Soda + vinegar
  • Laundry Soap
  • Hot Water ( Scalding)
  • Good Scrubbing

It is possible to not use soap at all, however that would require a lot of hot water and soaking - not to mention, for me... I won't be satisfied without soaping my dishes and scrubbing them clean. 

Wish me luck !

Happy Easter

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Challenge Yourself

 This will be a quick inspiration blurb for all you readers out there. I want you to challenge yourself 

Pick something and challenge it.

When you find that what challenges or scares you and you face it head on you will find that you become happier, stronger and wiser. I know that sounds cliche but it is true. Everything that takes you away from your comfort zone allows for self growth. 

Where to start?
  • Find what challenges you want to overcome! 
  • Make a list if theres more than one
  • Set a deadline for your accomplishment 
  • Don't be afraid of the outcome or what others think
  • Let go of all apprehensions

Once you've found what you want to accomplish and you've created a plan go for it. You will struggle, and it won't be easy but its worth it. Worth every minute, every thought and every emotion put into what you are seeking out to do. 

Undecided on where to start? Start small, here are some of my favourites that I consistently have on my list.

Becoming a better person
In all aspects of the word. One small good deed could change the way you feel and how you view your day. Even letting someone go before you at the grocery store because they have more items can change your perspective. Start the day off thinking positive and positive actions will be returned

Step outside my comfort zone
This year I am going one step further with my acting, writing and business prospects. I have decided to put my acting lessons  to good use. I've done background work in past, but after talking to producers and people within the media industry I have been encouraged to share my work and even do some auditions. That said some exciting new adventures are coming my way. First stop California for an audition for a comedy school. I am well aware chances of getting in are slim ( not doubting myself, however with tons of auditions by people who have been doing this their whole lives - they will be the ones getting a better opportunity) I'm doing it for experience and a chance to say I did it. I am still a bit shy so I'm hoping this will also help break that mould for me.

Try something new

 I haven't quite found my something new. I thought it would be going to Coachella in two weeks, however  I travel frequently. I believe I want my something new to be venturing off and doing something on my own while I'm out that way. I will update later if I can find something new. 

Most importantly love yourself every step of the way
I love you !

Tell me whats up with you! :)

Friday, 27 March 2015

The Busy Life

We all lead busy lives, including myself ( I feel I never get a moments peace). Lets admit it, it gets exhausting. Sometimes life can move so quickly that we are constantly finding that there is not much time for you and everything you want to take on.

You Need To Make Time For You

I have never really been the type to get alone time. I have always been the victim of the "too busy for that ". Until recently that is. I've come to learn that you cannot neglect yourself. Happiness always starts with you - embrace it and indulge a little. When you love yourself you will find room for excitement and growth and learn more about yourself, things you never would have known. Being comfortable with yourself is important - it allows you to take on experiences, and try new things. In my opinion, I feel people view alone time as being the outcast, uncool, or having a boring lifestyle. Being alone doesn't have to mean that, and doesn't mean you're alone or lonely. It means you are comfortable with who you are and allows you to explore what you enjoy to become a happier you. It does take practice, self love and appreciation - but it is worth it.

Listen to your heart, your mind, your soul

As I said earlier, I am no stranger to the busy life, so sometimes making a schedule is the best possible way to find your inner peace and moment. Even if you schedule 30 minutes of time for yourself a week you're on the right track!

What are my personal favourites?

There are a lot of people who insist on going to the gym with people. I fall into this category, sometimes. But mostly enjoy and appreciate going on my own. It's a moment of just me, my music and focusing on my routine. It's my time to reflect and think while doing something I love.

There are many different types of yoga, and everyone can benefit from. It's great meditation - clear your mind of all stresses!

Yes, I know writing may be a career for some but take a different angle or approach. Try writing something different from your usual routine.

Anything you enjoy doing, or have thought about doing but have yet to get the chance due to prior commitments. 

A Walk
Fresh air is wonderful! It clears out your lungs and allows you to enjoy the beauty that is around you. New to a city? Explore it! You'll find more enjoyment by going for a walk or a hike alone than if you were in a group (talking can sometimes make you miss the little things).

Probably one of my favourites. Disconnect from your phone or your social media. Spend time reading a new book, learning a new recipe or just thinking.

You are truly wonderful and you need a little you time to enjoy life. 

Breath in Breath out and smile

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Bucket List

I have one hectic life. I am constantly planning and working on my next topic, goal, or adventure. With all that I take on in life I must make a bucket list to make sure I achieve everything that is important to me. Life is short and goes by fast. I refuse to let it pass me by. I don't want to restrict myself but I also don't wish to look back on life wishing I could have done more. The thing is, I'm very open so my bucket list will continue to grow and change and thats OK.  Right now I have two sets of bucket lists; one is general life goals,

+ Have a family
+ Smile more
+ Be a better person 
+ Meet new people
+ Inspire people
+ Buy a house

Seems simple enough. Bucket lists don't necessarily have to be extreme. Although, with that in mind, I do have a second bucket list. A list that is a tad on the extreme side and meets the adrenaline junkie part of me. If I complete even half of my second bucket list, even that will be okay.

+ Travel the world
+ Finish writing my book
+ Publish my children's books
+ Complete a photography book of places I've been
+ Teach something overseas
+ Skydive
+ Coachella
+ Osheaga
+ Build a home in Africa

Where would I like to travel? Thats easy, Thailand, Australia, Europe (again), Peru/ South America, East Coast of Canada, Hawaii, Jamaica and the list continues, but those are my top places. This world has so much to experience and everyday I am constantly finding new things to add to my bucket list, things simple and doable each day, and things worth waiting and saving for. Ask yourself whats on your bucket list. You may be surprised at how easily attainable they are. 

Friday, 27 February 2015

30 Day Detox

If you don't already know, I am an Arbonne consultant and have been for about a year now. I absolutely love the products that Arbonne offers - I even get excited when I get a box in the mail from Arbonne. From the make up to the lotions even the weight management products - I Love it all! On top of that I get spoiled by the company as well - Tiffany's, Mercedes trips and so on! If you have been following along you'll already know that I am trying to better others' physique, mental state, and over all mood.

So I bet you're now thinking How does this even relate to Arbonne?  Well, i'm getting to that part. Today I was doing a web search, as I always do to find different blogs and postings about Arbonne success stories and I came across one that I enjoyed. A woman by the name of Becki tried Arbonne's 30 Day Detox challenge and had exciting results from it. I've tried the products and fell in love so it was great to see someone else's response and results ( especially because I never take before photos only after photos) so much so that I thought I'd post her response from her blog below.

Back in December I started a business with Arbonne International, a health and wellness company with products including skin care, baby care, cosmetics, and nutrition products. When I started I had only tried samples of some of the products, but I loved what I had tried. I loved that the products are certified vegan and contain no artificial flavors, colors, dyes, fragrances, or sweeteners. Still, I wanted to try them out more fully to make sure I stood behind them and wanted to build this business as part of my career.
I had seen Before and After photos of people who had used the Arbonne 30 Days to Feeling Fitkit and they were really amazing. The system is designed to help people pinpoint possible food sensitivities they have and may not realize as well as helping the body to detox from addictive foods and the chemicals that are often found in the processed products so many of us eat. A lot of people lose weight on the program too because they end up shedding a lot of the toxic buildup in their bodies from overly processed foods or things the body has had difficulty digesting like gluten and dairy.
As someone who had lost 90 lbs and gained 10 back I was already looking for something to help me get over the little bump I had encountered in the road and hopefully help me blast past my previous plateau. 
I was afraid, however, that I wouldn’t have very noticeable results since I was already pretty conscious of what I was eating and had already cut virtually all processed junk. I decided to give it a go because I figured it couldn’t hurt and at least that way I would have a personal point of reference for clients who might be interested in trying it.
The program calls for you to give up alcohol, caffeine, dairy, gluten, refined sugar, and soy. I knew that giving up dairy would be great for me because I’m lactose intolerant and still feel kind of crappy even when I use lactaid to help with my symptoms, but I wasn’t sure about giving up the others. I was a big coffee drinker, but decided to give up as many of the things it suggested as possible so that I would really know how the program worked.
The one exception I made, as a vegetarian, was soy. Rather than giving up all soy (which would have eliminated both tofu and tempeh from my diet), I decided to give up processed soy and stick to organic tempeh.
I got my package in February, just a couple months ago.
It contained :: two bags of vegan protein powder (60 servings), two boxes of energy fizz sticks (40 servings), two bags of fit chews (60 servings), two boxes of detox tea (40 servings), and a bag of fiber boost (30 servings) along with a guide for completing the program.
The protein powder in the plan is used as a meal replacement for two meals per day, but because it’s in a powder rather than ready-made you can customize the shakes to your taste with lots of add-ins. The energy fizz sticks, which are packed with B vitamins are designed to take the place of coffee for giving you a boost of energy and are added to water like Crystal Light. The fit chews, which have the consistency of tootsie rolls, are used to help curb cravings between meals. The fiber boost is to help keep you full and get plenty of fiber in your diet, and the detox tea is an herbal tea that supports liver and kidney function.
On the morning of January 29 I was ready to start. I did it this way rather than the first of the month because I wanted to finish on the last day of February. I stepped on the scale to weigh in and then had Joe take my Before photos, which weren’t pretty. I didn’t suck in my gut or try to look thinner than I was. I wanted the photos to truly reflect my starting point.


For the next four weeks I started my morning with a vegan protein shake. My go-to was vanilla protein, unsweetened almond milk, a scoop of the fiber boost, lots of spinach, and half of a banana, but I did mix it up a bit sometimes skipping the banana, sometimes adding PB2, and trying lots of different flavor combos to keep my taste buds guessing. Most mornings I also had an energy fizz stick, which not only gave me a boost of energy, but ensured I would start hydrating first thing. Around 10am I would have a fit chew and a cup of the detox tea. If I found myself hungry before lunch, I would also have a healthy snack.


For lunch each day I had another protein shake, this time mixed with water because I didn’t want to bring almond milk with me to work. I have a Blender Bottle so that made it super easy to mix up the shakes on the go. Then in the afternoon I would have another fit chew and an energy fizz stick if I was feeling run down (this was usually the case on the days I had night class). If dinner was going to be late or if I was working out in the afternoon I would also have another healthy snack.


For dinner I had something different every day. I was also doing the #plantPOWER challenge from Kasey and Heather, so that helped me decide what to eat each day. If the letter was E, I was probably having eggplant that night. On day K, I had a salad with kale and kidney beans. Never over the course of the four weeks did I feel deprived. On occasion I would have a cup of detox tea before bed and if I was craving something sweet I would make myself a gluten free, dairy free dessert. Often that meant making some protein pudding with the protein powder, but on a few occasions I actually baked something special.

My Results

After the very first day I had lost 2 lbs! I knew that some of the weight would come off quickly since I was cutting out some foods known to cause bloat, but I was surprised when the weight loss kept going. After a week I had lost 8 lbs and was blown away. Then my weight loss stopped. I didn’t gain any weight, but I wasn’t losing anymore either. This is also when the Arbonne Clear Advantage acne line stopped working for me and my face started to break out. I was still loving the way I felt (and my pants kept getting looser) so I kept up with the program. After two weeks of not losing any more weight on the scale, I made my discovery about agave nectar, which is what I had been using in some of the baked goods I had made. As soon as I realized how controversial agave nectar is and that it has more fructose than high fructose corn syrup, I cut it out of my diet.
The next week I was losing weight again and my skin started to clear up. I was still eating plenty and had adequate fuel for my workouts and marathon training. In the last week of the detox I lost 4 more pounds for a total loss of 12 pounds
As excited as I was about the loss, I was even more excited when I compared my Before and After photos. I hadn’t taken any measurements (it just kept slipping my mind in the early days of the detox), so I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to document a noticeable difference. Boy was I wrong!
While the weight loss was amazing, I also learned a LOT about my diet in general. Although I don’t have a gluten intolerance, it made a world of difference for my body to be gluten free. At first I attributed all of the changes to how I was feeling to being dairy free, then I had a beer and some food with gluten the other night. It didn’t sit well with me, literally. The next day I was very bloated and felt gross. Since then I’ve reduced my gluten back to almost zero and feel awesome again. I’m so glad I used this program to detox rather than cleansing with products that would flush my system of junk without giving me any idea of why I was bloated and needed to detox in the first place.
I highly recommend the Feeling Fit plan and can honestly say I would even if I didn’t work for Arbonne. If anyone is interested in trying out the plan, get in touch with me and I’d be happy to answer any more questions about my experience or the products.

These stories motivate me, and keep me inspired. It re affirms that I joined a company that does well for the people that are a part of it! 
Whether you're interested in trying these products or looking for a healthier lifestyle feel free to email me, I'd love nothing more to help you along on your goals - whatever they may be :)

+stay healthy
+stay fit
+stay positive

Friday, 20 February 2015

Positive vibes 

A lot of people comment on how I don't show negative emotion, and ask what my secret is. 
My secret? There is no secret, and its simple really. Its all in the way you perceive what is in front of you. The way you feel and how you act can have a major impact on how your day turns out. I'm not afraid of the future and I'm not afraid of failure. What I do today, helps me become who I will be tomorrow. Every experience, every little miracle or obstacle helps shape me to be the best possible person that I can be. I am not saying I don't have bad days - I do. I just take from those bad and learn and grow and that's what makes me happy - growing mentally physically and spiritually. 
I have great people in my corner and some not so great. Those who are always there and those who are there when it benefits them - that's fine. They are doing the same thing as you - living and doing what makes them happy.

I ask you now, do you find yourself constantly battling stressed feelings or unhappy thoughts? Ask yourself why and find a road that will deter you away from that negative energy. Most of the time we continue feeling as we do without reflecting on why we feel the way we do, and from there it becomes a continual cycle of more stresses. Your stresses and set backs can become a view for opportunity to be challenged and motivated. If you find you are in a situation you wish to not be in and that is what is setting you back, my advice to you is change the scenario.

Here are some of my tips for you to help through those unwanted nasty days or weeks.

1. If someone close to you hurts your feelings - let them know - don't be mean about just have a rational conversation about things that bother you. Don't necessarily write people off right away either. We all have good traits and bad traits. They make us who we are, but how can change be expected if that person that has hurt you doesn't realize what they are doing?

2. For one week write everything down that gives you hesitation, stress,makes you upset and so on. By the end of the week take a look at what bothered you and examine it. You may notice that there are patterns occurring. Sometimes we go on autopilot to get through whatever it is we need to during the week, and thats OK. However sometimes when that happens we lose our focus and become uneasy, or upset at small things.How can we change our perspective? Attitude 

Sure, I dislike having to wait for people to contact me back when I've emailed them about business related aspects, and sometimes it may feel like they take forever to respond. However, I am doing what will ultimately make me happy in the future. During that time, I am grateful that I have been able to start my own business with the education that I have and went to school for.

2. I try not to complain. I saw a post on instagram and it enlightened me. It was a post challenging you to not complain for one full day. Is it difficult? Absolutely, but its doable. It is all in the perspective. Its surprising how much we complain about things, even when we don't mean to.

"Exercising  daily is hard work"
- I am now one step closer to getting to my ideal weight, fuelling my body with energy while feeling and looking my best

" I hate how cold it is"
- I have running warm water, big blankets ( lovely duvet), and other means to keep warm, not a lot of people have what I have, so I am thankful more than disappointed or agitated.

3. Write what you are grateful for and what makes you happy. Big or small. Write it. You don't have to do this everyday, if you want, just write when something happens that put a smile on your face. Make a book of them to reflect on when you start to feel stressed about life not going where you want it to go, or when you feel like your day can't get any worse. This will be your pick me up.

I'm currently sitting here thinking about what I am grateful for; My family, the copious amount of supportive and wonderful people in my life, my yoga classes and being able to go to the gym whenever possible.
I've seen those close to me struggle through pain, torture and and triumph! Climb to the top after every battle that was given and stand at the top of that proverbial mountain. That too is my inspiration. What I need to look at to reflect on my bad days to turn them into positive, to motivate me to work harder and to push me along on my bad days. 

Like everyone else, I too get my bad days and though they may not work for everyone, these help me get over unwanted feelings almost instantly. When you find yourself feeling down, ask what can be changed to make yourself happier, accomplished and find what can help you become dedicated to something great. 

I'm not saying life is easy and won't suck from time to time and I do take into consideration that there are aspects we cannot run away from. Life can be scary or it can be rewarding it's how you choose to view it and what you choose to do with what's given to you Most importantly never give up. Everything you do leads you somewhere. Are we allowed to have bad days? Absolutely, thats what good nights with great friends are for.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Granola Bars

As promised, I am posting a recipe for Granola bars. I made these the other day, brought them to work and they were a huge hit!

Make sure you use a 13X9 pan... I used smaller which made them too thick

2 1/2 cup rolled oats ( gluten free) 
1/2 cup quinoa flour ( just get Reg quinoa, blend it till its like flour )
1/2 cup non fat non fat dry milk powder
1/2 cup unsweetened coconut
1/2 cup sliced almonds or pecans ( I did almonds this time ) 
1/2 cup raisins 
1/2 cup dried fruit ( apples berries ) 
1/2 cup all natural peanut butter / almond butter 
1 cup honey - dark 
2 teaspoons vanilla 

Spray pan with cooking spray and preheat oven to 325
In a large mixing bowl combine oats, quinoa flour, dry milk, coconut, almonds, raisins, dried fruit and stir until combined. 

In a small saucepan combine the honey and peanut butter on low heat stir occasionally but DONT boil. Remove from heat add vanilla. 

Add the warm mixture to the dry and mix quickly. Pour into your baking dish and press firmly with your hands. ( you want to get rid of any air pockets ) 

Bake for 25 minutes or until the edges are lightly brown. ( I needed to put them in longer just cause they were made thicker, so judge according to size ). 

Let cool for ten minutes the cut them into your desired size 

Oh! You can add a nice peanut butter " coating " by using the same peanut butter/ honey mixture ( maybe less the honey) and drizzle it on top 

I didn't cut them properly so I apologize for the appearance 

Get Fit

This February a bunch of us (my coworkers and I) are participating in a wellness challenge. For me, this means no
+ Sugar
+    Salt
+ Bread
+ Alcohol
and High Protein
You can choose whatever goal you would like to achieve, just stick to it for maximum results. Myself, I am choosing to lose 4 pounds, one pound per week. No matter what goal you choose to achieve make sure you first choose to be healthy, after all thats the purpose of the wellness challenge. 

If you are wanting to do this with me I'll be posting some recipes. Its been a week for me and I will admit it has been a bit hard ( I did have a cheat day yesterday - 1 glass of wine). 

Below are some high protein foods to add to your diet

1. Greek Yogurt ( my favourite kind of yogurt) - plain can contain up to 3x less sugar than flavoured greek yogurt.

Made by straining away the liquid, deliciously thick Greek-style yogurts contain about twice as much protein as regular versions. You'll also reap the rewards of gut-friendly probiotic bacteria and bone-building calcium. 
2, Cottage Cheese - can be high in sodium however if you read the nutrition labels you can find brands that contain less sodium
This curd-riddled cheese product is laced with casein protein—a slow-digesting protein that supplies your growing muscles with a steady supply of vital amino acids. Think of it as the MVP of snack time, especially before bedtime. 

3. Swiss Cheese - Great on sandwiches or salads. 

Ounce for ounce, Swiss cheese provides more protein than other commonly available varieties in the supermarket, making it a muscle-friendly option for your sandwiches and burgers. 

4. Eggs -  Keep an eye out for cartons containing eggs with beefed-up omega-3 levels to make your morning scramble work even harder for you. 
If you are like me and are not a fan of eggs, there is an alternative - vegan eggs, that you can find at vita health or other health food stores. 

These white orbs are near-perfect muscle food. That's because the biological value—a measure of how much protein from the food can be incorporated into proteins in the body—of an egg is higher than that of nearly any other item in the grocery store. The biological value is largely dictated by the amount of essential amino acids a food possesses, and the humble egg has these in spades. 

5. Milk - organic farming methods produce more nutrients including healthy omega fats. 

A source of top-notch protein with a biological value just shy of that found in an egg. But why try to chug watery, flavorless skim milk when you can still enjoy the richer taste of 2 percent without breaking the fat bank. Besides, the extra fat will help you absorb the fat-soluble nutrients like vitamin D present in the great white. 

6. Soy milk - I personally am not a fan of the taste of regular milk, so soy is a perfect alternative. To avoid high sugars opt for the unsweetened variety. 

While most non-dairy milks are light in protein, soy milk is the exception. If you're eschewing cow dairy for reasons such as lactose intolerance, consider using soy milk to float your cereal in, or for whipping up post-gym shakes. 

7. Peanut Butter - when dieting, this becomes your best friend!! (literally, BEST friend). I eat this by the spoon full. Satisfyingly good.
Though not as trendy as other nut butters like almond, ye olde peanut butter still leads the way in the protein department. 

8. Mixed Nuts -  If you're like me and watching your sodium intake, look for packages labelled "unsalted". 
Nuts like peanuts, cashews, and almonds make for a crunchy way to add more protein and healthy unsaturated fats to your diet. 
9.  Smoothie Drinks - Be sure to choose a source of protein, such as whey protein or pea protein (what I use) and not just fruit.
Homemade protein shakes are always preferred, but if you want a quick shot of protein in liquid form you can pick up bottles of premade smoothie drinks such as Bolthouse Farms.
10. Tofu - To be honest, it has taken me years to get on board with tofu (literally, YEARS - at least 8 ). Try them stir fried or on a grill which can give the tofu a smoky flavour
If you're looking to embrace Meatless Mondays, slabs of tofu can make sure your protein intake doesn't suffer too much. 
11. Edamame - To upgrade your snack time, prepare shelled frozen edamame according to package directions, then season with fresh lemon juice, smoked paprika, and a whisper of salt. or eat them with no flavour, just as good. 

While the frozen-food section of most supermarkets is a nutritional minefield, packages of these green soybeans will give your diet a boost of plant protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. 
12. Green Peas - Know how your parents used to tell you to eat your greens? Especially with green peas, you get the needed protein for your diet. When buying frozen green peas make sure to fondle the bag. You should be able to feel the individual peas. A giant pea ice cube means they have been thawed previously and then refrozen, which can degrade quality. 
While protein is not abundant in most vegetables, subzero green peas contain enough that you'll want to keep a bag stashed in your freezer at all times. They're also a good source of fiber to help keep cravings for junk food at bay. 
13. Quinoa - If you know me, you know my love for quinoa, everything I eat has a bit of quinoa in it. I will be posting a recipe for granola bars that contain quinoa flour ( I blended quinoa till it became a flour texture). 
Toasting quinoa in a dry skillet or saucepan before simmering it in water can enhance its natural nutty flavor. 
Among whole grains, South American quinoa is a rarity in that it contains a full arsenal of essential amino acids, meaning that it's a complete protein with muscle-making potential. 

Monday, 5 January 2015

What's Your Purpose?

Lately What's Your Purpose has been an ongoing phrase between a few friends and I. Someone frustrates you, annoys you, or you ask yourself while working on a task. What's your purpose has so many different angles to it - and no it doesn't have to be a derogatory reference. To us it means What are you doing and is it worth doingIs what you are doing going to make you a better person? Is it going to get you where you want to be? Will the end result be positive negative or will nothing change? Those are the reasons we use it, that is why we say it to everything that blocks us.

Where did that phrase derive from? Too many times I have noticed people coasting through life - you don't have to ride every tidal wave but don't lay on the beach waiting for something exciting to happen either. Make something of yourself and be proud of it.

Recently - I saw a girl doing things that would make her parents embarrassed, What's your purpose lady? Was the end result all that you'd hoped it would be? Most of all did you feel better about yourself for doing it? Work H A R D for what you want - don't let others hand it to you. As we get older we have different views and perspectives that help shape us to become who we are. Take those learning experiences and make something of it. Make yourself a better person tomorrow in ALL aspects. Don't hold grudges, don't dwell on uneasy situations, learn and grow form them. 

Point is - when you focus on your goals, and you work toward them with whats your purpose in mind, your successes become an overwhelming feeling of joy and accomplishment. 
Don't let others ask what your purpose is, ask yourself first, then SHOW them! Kick them in the butt and go out there and show them. Once you have done that float on down your tidal wave of success.