Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Beat the winter blues

 With Holidays coming full speed toward us, it tends to leave us feeling lethargic. I unfortunately feel this way during the holidays and tend to dislike the winter months because of it. I have taken it upon myself to snap out of it and get into a routine of eating right and exercise. This not only makes me feel and look good but it takes me away from the feeling like it is hard to make accomplishments with the cold. With the new year quickly approaching I suggest getting excited by trying something new and fun. Try working off all that stuffing and turkey from the comfort of your home as a start!

Some steps in fighting that winter blues:

  • Plan a vacation get away - could be a few hour drive or if the budget allows, plan somewhere hot with a group of friends or that special someone
  • Plan a night in with some friends to do crafts and baking. Or if you you aren't into either, get together with friends to find something new and unique in your city that you can try as a group.
  • Continuously create goals for yourself - Whether they are small goals or big goals, make them. If you create short term goals for yourself, it allows you to consistently work towards something to keep you busy. It can be something as simple as writing in a journal everyday, or planning your meals the night before. Anything to help make you feel accomplished. Perhaps creating a dream board will work best for you.
  • Exercise - This one is huge (for me anyways). When we exercise we release endorphins that make us happy and feel more relaxed. A quick workout at the gym or home can be a great stress reliever. Not to mention this is a great way to help you feel better about your appearance ( a great workout is better than make up anyway). Best part of all, exercise boosts your energy level. What better way to kick start your day or week?

       Here I have some great exercises that are easy to do at home


  • 30 sit ups
  • 50 reverse crunches 
  • 30 air bikes
  • 50 leg lifts
  • 100 oblique crunchers per side 
  • 100 toe touches
Repeat 2x

Booty workout 
  • 30 jumping jacks
  • 20 lunges
  • 10 squats
  • 10 plie squats 
  • 20 side lunges
  • 20 glute kickbacks
  • 15 short bridges
  • 10 side leg circles - each leg
  • 20 glute kickbacks
  • 15 squats 
  • 10 plie squats 
  • 20 jumping jacks
Repeat 2x

These are just some ways you can incorporate some fun activity into your life without getting dragged down by the winter blues.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

A new month is a great opportunity to look forward, reflect and create new goals. Every month I create a new goal for myself. Whether its becoming a better me, creating fitness goals, or future success goals, I always seem to find something I can improve on and look forward to. 

Life Goal // Success Goals
  • Create a new business plan/goal for the month of November
  • Do at least one good deed per week // something that puts a smile on a strangers face
Fitness Goal // Health Goal
  • Reunite with my flexibility
  • Up my repetitions // 3 sets of 20+ 
  • Start a juice cleanse

Dancing is a great cardio workout, and a fun way to spend time with friends you have not seen in a while. Not to mention an amazing stress reliever

Booty workout of the day
  • 50 squat jumps
  • 30 walking lunges or stationary lunges
  • 30 dead lifts // good mornings
  • 30 squats
  • 30 sumo squats
  • 30 hip thrusts
You can do this booty workout at home :) 3x

She makes going to work difficult when she is snuggled so cute with her blanket. 

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Pick up and Go!

There is a lot to be said about nature. I encourage everyone to step outside their backyard and
e x p l o r e. You don't need money to enjoy what nature has to offer. An early morning jog, a brisk walk in the city, or a quick drive to the mountains or trail can clear your mind of stress and worries.

I turned my cell phone off for a week, stayed clear of social media, internet, and television and realized how much beauty there is to life. I took a hike through the mountains, walked through the bushes on trails, and fished in the river. 

On my journey I realized that there is no need to be attached to our devices. It helps us to stay in touch with those far away from us, our bosses and of course our friends and family. However we get sucked into an idea that we must rely solely on the use of our devices.

Oh Canada!