Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Make it Work!

Traveling can be difficult. It brings on stresses, unexpected expenses, and at times can be time consuming. You sometimes find yourself asking if it is even worth it. 

It is

When you travel your stresses don't seem as big. I don't mean forget about them move on, if you do that your stress will become bigger. What I am referring to, is traveling is a stress reliever. It allows you to focus on something you usually wouldn't. This world has much to offer in beauty. Don't deprive yourself of what is out there. Here are some tips on how to make it happen.

- Look at your schedule. This is the most important tip. If you have any time free, a day, a week, a month. Whatever allows. Take that time to travel some place you've never been.

- Save Your money. You don't need thousands of dollars to travel. Save what you can afford. Don't go over what your budget allows.

- Budget. Instead of going out to eat while away, buy groceries, bring groceries, do what you can to plan meals before you find yourself spending more than needed.

- You don't need souvenirs. Yes, Souvenirs are fun, exciting, and can serve as a reminder or a memory of the fun you had while away. Instead of purchasing a souvenir MAKE a souvenir. Let your memories, stories, and photos be your memories. You can always take the photos you took and turn it into a unique souvenir ( photo albums, scrap books [ great time to reflect, de-stress, and of course serve as a hobby]).

Stay Tuned For more fun posts to come!

Hello Readers!

It has been a while since my last post. I had taken a much needed vacation and now, I am back and ready to give you new content! I have thought long and hard about where I want my blog to go and the topics I would like to cover, so with that said, I want to add traveling to my blog.

Thats right - traveling!

I am excited to starting writing topics on traveling! If you have been following my instagram or twitter, you will already know how much I love to travel ( even if it is just a short trip for the weekend).

Stay tuned for my next post where I let you know how to travel on a budget, sites to shop at for the best travel prices and places to travel for cheap!
