Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Go For It

I have moved countless times, traveled to different countries and took chances when opportunities came up. I can honestly say I'm L I V I N G life, and in the best way possible. I have the most support  guiding me along my journey and I'm so very grateful for absolutely everything I have ever encountered.

The time I was asked to move to British Columbia on a whim and I said yes changed everything for me. It taught me to grow up ( because everything had always been given to me ). I had to learn to make my own money, not to buy myself nice things but to pay for my rent, my food and a healthy life. I taught myself, a once shy and introverted girl, to become an extrovert, to take chances and to make things happen because they  N E E D to happen. I felt the struggle of living in a new city with knowing nearly no one, and having the struggle of finding a job (which was difficult due to the time of year I arrived).
The struggles and experiences I had during that year made me such a strong and independent individual. There were some unexpected and unfortunate events that lead to my coming back home to the prairies but I will always have a strong love for British Columbia as it has taught me so much and  it didn't hurt that t was able to be closer to my family. 

 When I moved back home. I felt I was missing something. So that year I upped my travel. I went to Europe; saw Paris, London, Belgium, Holland and the list goes on. I was able to hop on a plane and fly to someplace I had never been to, and only dreamed of seeing... all by myself. I experienced different cultures from all over Europe, Australia, Canada, and more. I tried cuisines that were delicious, and some that were mediocre. I visited historical monuments, and if you know me, you know I just H A D to visit anything that had to do with The Beatles... I'm only like, the biggest fan.

After my Europe trip I had definitely caught the bug. The travel bug that is. I ended up going to Vegas, Minneapolis ( which is just a short 8 hour drive, but a great short get away none the less), Cuba, Mexico and the list goes on for days. However every summer, my family and I always go back to the lovely BC to do hiking, mountain climbing, fishing, and many other things that I never would have thought I'd be doing ( I'm terrified of heights).

Most recently, I signed up with a vegan company, Arbonne. If you know me, you know I'm a lover of all animals, so hearing that Arbonne is an animal cruelty free product line with no paragons (which is a product that makes your skin feel oily once you've put lotions and other products on your body), I felt there was no choice but to jump on board this beautiful thing called Arbonne. Upon saying Y E S,  my upline ( whom I've known since High School), offered me a trip to Vegas for one of Arbonnes exciting and captivating conferences. Obviously, I said yes. Look at all the experiences I have been able to take on by saying one simple word! I Won't stop saying yes either!
  Anyways, upon my arrival in Vegas, I became friends with a wonderful woman from Alabama who was there for the conference as well. Since then she has become my Southern Momma. I look to her for guidance when needed, and we stay in touch as much as possible. While waiting for my friends to arrive,  I decided to take a tour of the city since I had not been there for a few years. Low and behold this incredibly shy girl meets a wonderfully, handsome, and charming man at a cafe in the Cosmopolitan hotel. It took all my courage to strike up a conversation with him - and I did it. This led  us to eating our sandwiches together, and later that night going out for a wonderful dinner.
  A few weeks after, he invited me to NEW YORK! yes, amazing. I was treated like an absolute queen. I was spoiled, not necessarily by money and material items, but just the love and the charm of this man. To which we still keep in touch and we continue to grow our friendship, and relationship.

The point of this is that everything leads to something. Take chances. and enjoy what is brought to you. Get out of your comfort zone, keep striving for new chances and new experiences. Life happens when you least expect it. It can continue to amaze you.

Just go for it

Experience it 

and live it
never be afraid to live life